SSA503Currency Correlation Relationships |
Currencies are traded in form of pairs and therefore each pair is affected directly or indirectly by the opposite pairs. If you know how to link currencies with each others, you will be able to benefit from this correlation in the trading analysis.
What you will learn?
- Determine the relationships between the different currencies.
- Take advantage of the knowledge of correlation between currency pairs for your trading strategy.
- Identify the optimum taking profit and stop-loss points through the study of these relationships.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to
- Avoid opening opposite positions.
- Diversify your investment and thus avoid related risks.
- Benefit from organizing time and take advantage of market tenements or volatility through analyzing the trend of a currency pair.
- Determine the market directions of the other currencies by recognizing the relationship between them whether it is a direct correlation or inverse.
- Recognize when the currencies have strong relationship, in order to avoid loss in times of weak relationship.