Capitol Academy Affiliate Program
If you have a solid experience in economic, finance, stock analysis, and stock markets , and you bear in mind an excellent idea of a training program, please feel free to contact us regarding your suggestions and offers.
Upon approval, Capitol Academy will support you with our qualified resources and will assist you to succeed and grow your business.
Capitol Academy is based on a program that allows you to add value to your obtained should degrees. Teacher can also give individual or collective lessons online or on recorded videos.
Capitol Academy is based on the Pro program of online training, that enable professors to create and design their educational field that meet the needs of the lessons they present
And through this space they can design objective tests and advanced tasks and duties for students.
Any trainer or Professor carries who has a new idea or innovation can suggest his training program to be discussed in order to get the Capitol Academy approval , then it will be listed in the Academy training lessons, and the trainer will get paid at at the end of the raining session according to the attendees