Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental Analysis typically refers to a method of analyzing and evaluating equities, though it may also apply to any kind of security. A whole slew of data including, but not limited to, financial statements, economics, health, management, interest rates, production, earnings, competitive advantages, competitors and many other qualitative and quantitative factors are considered. What is the company's revenue? Is it growing? Are they even making a profit? Are they in or paying off debt? What are their turnover rates? Does management take care of employees? All of this to determine a numerical intrinsic value for the security that can be compared with its current price so as to determine whether or not it is overvalued or undervalued. But Fundamental Analysis is also related to the Technical Analysis .
What you will be able to do
By completing this session, you will be able to:
- Evaluate the country economic conditions through the study of the general economic indicators like the : Interest Rate and the GDP
- Apply the strategies of the partial and total economy in order to predict the future expected directions.
- Recognize the true value of the investment.
- Recognize the long term investing opportunities.
- Understand the Fed's decisions the most affected on the financial market especially the Forex Market.
- To buy and sell by using the economic calendar
- Identify the major participants and recognize their roles
- To see the newsletter of today in order to predict the news of tomorrow
« Today's News is Tomorrow's Trend».

Features of the courses
- We hold a professional workshop to communicate with the analysts and the experts of this market who you can ask them all the possible questions to reply and clarify it.
- We make an assessment step to the training and its efficiency.
- We provide a successive training and follow up of the students.
- After assisting in the mentioned courses, you will get a degree from the Capital Academy.