TEC204 Patterns Recognition

Chart patterns are simply defined as pictures or formations made by the price movements of the financial instrument (Forex, Equities, Futures & Commodities, Options) that you are analyzing. In fact, investors who effectively identify these chart patterns are among the most successful traders in the world. When analyzing chart patterns, technical analysts generally categorize them in two groups:

  1. Patterns that predict trend reversal.
  2. Patterns that predict trend continuation.

What you will learn?
  1. Identify Forms of continuity: symmetrical triangle, ascending triangle, rectangle, flag...
  2. Identify the reversal forms: Double Tops , Double Bottoms, Head and Shoulders, wedges ...
  3. Identify Harmonic forms including the form of Butterflies

After completing this course, you will be able to
  1. Draw different patterns forms
  2. Draw different harmonic forms .
  3. Buy and sell using the different patterns recognition.
  4. Identify exit points of the market which is the main feature of the patterns recognition forms in trading.
  5. Determine stop-loss and take profit points.
304-1062 (202) 1+
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